
Learning to finally let go of my fears and worries

 2022 has unequivocally been one of the most rewarding and toughest years of my life. There were tears from joy, tears from sadness, tears from anxiety, and so much more. People came and went in my life throughout the year. It was the first year where I truly experienced a universal human experience. It was the experience of heartbreak. It was the experience of losing someone who carried me through all of my hardships; through all of my worries and anxieties; through all of the successes of overcoming tribulations. It was the experience of my first true love. But it was also full of hurt which slowly grew to a lack of trust. Through all of this, I learned that I wasn't ready for it. I took the relationship for granted and hurt the very person whom I wanted to spend forever with. I learned that I had a lot of problems of self-image that I needed to work through because, if I had waited until I fixed those problems, they would still be here. But I didn't. And when people leave, a